Field Trip to an ART museum

During our current unit "Look What I can Do" we were inquiring into how we can express ourselves through visual arts...
This week we organized a field trip to a National ART Museum here in Ankara, Turkey.

We played a game "Be That Thing" when I asked kids to scan all pictures in a salon and find one that attracted their attention the best, they were asked to find a thing on that picture and be "it". Here what some of us found :)

  We drew pictures...
We balanced on the red carpet down the stairs ...

'Be that thing':  I am an orange!

'Be that thing': We are sharpening our swords...

Why is this picture called "A Dark Day"? 

I printed some masterpieces that were available on a museum website and laminated them. I shared the pics with my students before the field trip and took them with us to the museum as well. In museum I asked the kids to look for the masterpieces. 

I found the picture we were looking for!!!

'Be that thing': We are the colorful trees!
